7 Sectional Couch Features That You Should Know About

A couple snuggled up on a modern glam couch in dark grey with a black faux fur rug

Sectional couches are so much more than just more seating than a standard sofa or loveseat. The latest trends in furniture are features like wireless phone charging, USB ports, electrical plugs, storage, and so much more! Here are seven features that you should know about if you’re shopping for a new sectional:

1. Modular Designs

Orange colored upholstery sectional couch with two matching ottomans

Many sectional couches are becoming more modular, allowing you to rearrange and customize the configuration to fit your space and preferences. Modular sectionals come with interchangeable pieces that can be rearranged to create different seating arrangements.

A popular brand that offers modular options is Modular One. The options to customize your arrangement are nearly limitless!

2. Built-In Storage

A three-piece sleeper sectional in grey with storage chaises

Some sectional couches are designed with built-in storage compartments, such as hidden drawers or lift-up chaise lounges, providing convenient places to store blankets, pillows, or other items.

Storage options, like what is represented in this photo, also remove the need for added furniture or bins to store miscellaneous living room items.

3. Reclining Sectional Couches

Brown leather reclining sectional sofa with a coffee table, two end tables, and a matching chair

Reclining sectional couches are gaining popularity, offering adjustable backrests and footrests for added comfort. Some even featured power reclining options with USB charging ports.

In some cases, you can get a sectional sofa with multiple spots that offer reclining features so that everyone can enjoy maximum comfort!

4. Built-in Tables and Cupholders

Some sectional couches incorporate built-in tables, cupholders, and accessory holders in the armrests or center console for added convenience.

5. Sectional Couch Adjustable Headrests

A light gray fabroc sectional couch with reclining features in all seating positions

Sectional sofas with adjustable headrests are becoming more common, allowing users to customize the angle and height of the headrest for optimal neck and head support.

The sectional features in this image combine reclining with adjustable headrests for the maximum comfort experience available.

6. Tech Integrations For Sectional Couches

In this video from Modular One, you’ll notice that the console section, which fits in between seating sections, offers features like Bluetooth connective speakers, wired and wireless charging, and storage.

With our increasing reliance on technology, many sectional couches are designed with these features to make our lives a bit easier by consolidating our needs into one spot.

7. Upholstery Options

Moss green fabric sectional couch with a light yellow accent chair in a living room

Sectional couches are available in a wide range of upholstery options, including leather, fabric, and performance fabrics. They resist stains and wear and last for a lifetime.

You can find a color, pattern, and material to match your home decor style. This is thanks to so many different options available from furniture manufacturers.


Sectional sofas are a practical and versatile choice for various reasons. They maximize seating and space utilization, making them ideal for large families or those who frequently entertain guests. Their modular designs allow for flexible arrangements to adapt to different room layouts. Additionally, sectional couches often come with features like built-in storage, reclining options, and adjustable headrests, enhancing both comfort and functionality. Their aesthetic appeal and wide range of upholstery options make them suitable for various interior design styles. Overall, sectional couches offer a convenient and customizable solution for comfortable seating and efficient use of living space.

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Dave has been in the furniture industry in one capacity or another for the last decade. When not writing about furniture he enjoys cooking for his family, guitar playing, oil painting, the Detroit Tigers, and the comedic antics of English Bulldogs.