All About Innerspring Mattresses

a man asleep in bed with white bedding in front of a window

When it comes to choosing the right mattress, the options can be overwhelming. Among the various types of mattresses available, innerspring mattresses have been a popular choice for decades. Known for their support, durability, and affordability, these mattresses have stood the test of time. In this article, we will explore all there is to know about innerspring mattresses, from their construction and benefits to their drawbacks and how to choose the perfect one for your needs.

What Are Innerspring Mattresses?

Innerspring mattresses are one of the oldest and most traditional mattress types on the market. They are constructed using a core support system of coiled springs or coils made from steel wire. These coils are typically arranged in rows or columns, providing the primary support and structure of the mattress. On top of the coil system, there are comfort layers made from various materials like foam, memory foam, latex, or fiber padding. The combination of the support core and comfort layers determines the overall feel and comfort of the mattress.

A cutaway image of an innerspring mattress with a woman laying on top of it on her side
An example of what the inside of a typical innerspring mattress looks like.

Benefits of Innerspring Mattresses

  1. Support: Innerspring mattresses are well-known for their excellent support. The coil system distributes your body weight evenly, promoting proper spinal alignment and reducing the risk of back pain.
  2. Durability: Innerspring mattresses are generally quite durable and can last many years. The quality of the coils and the overall construction play a significant role in determining the mattress’s lifespan.
  3. Cooling: Innerspring mattresses sleep cooler than memory foam or latex mattresses. The open structure of the coils allows for better air circulation, preventing excessive heat retention. For more information, please read this study regarding improving sleep thermal comfort.
  4. Affordability: Compared with other mattress types, innerspring mattresses are often more budget-friendly, making them accessible to most consumers.
A woman laying on her side in bed sleeping

Drawbacks of Innerspring Mattresses

  1. Motion Transfer: Innerspring mattresses are known for their motion transfer, which means that movement on one side of the bed can be felt on the other. This may not be ideal for couples or light sleepers.
  2. Pressure Relief: While innerspring mattresses provide excellent support, they may not offer the same level of pressure relief as memory foam or latex mattresses, which conform more closely to the body.
  3. Noisy: Some innerspring mattresses can produce squeaks and creaks over time as the coils wear out or shift.

Choosing the Right Innerspring Mattress

When shopping for an innerspring mattress, consider the following factors:

  1. Coil Type: There are different types of coil systems, such as Bonnell coils, offset coils, and pocketed coils. Pocketed coils are known for better motion isolation and support.
  2. Coil Count: A higher coil count typically indicates better support and durability. Look for a mattress with a coil count of at least 600 for a queen-size mattress.
  3. Comfort Layers: Pay attention to the comfort layers on top of the coil system. They can significantly impact the feel of the mattress. Choose materials that suit your comfort preferences.
  4. Firmness Level: Innerspring mattresses come in various firmness levels ranging from ultra-firm to super soft. Choose one that aligns with your sleep preferences and body type.
  5. Brand and Warranty: Research reputable mattress brands and check the warranty terms before making a purchase.

There is a reason that mattresses have used steel coil support systems for over a hundred years, they work! Innerspring mattresses use this tried and true method of support to ensure proper spinal alignment and pressure relief. The thickness of the steel coil and the number of coils in your mattress determines the firmness and conformability. Find the right combination for you, and you’ll find a great night’s sleep.

Kevin Aldred – Mattress Expert at Gardner White


Innerspring mattresses remain a popular choice for those seeking a balance of support, durability, and affordability. While they may not offer the same pressure relief as memory foam or latex mattresses, they excel in other areas, making them a reliable option for many sleepers. When shopping for an innerspring mattress, consider the coil type, count, comfort layers, firmness, and brand reputation to find the perfect mattress to meet your needs for a restful night’s sleep.

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Dave has been in the furniture industry in one capacity or another for the last decade. When not writing about furniture he enjoys cooking for his family, guitar playing, oil painting, the Detroit Tigers, and the comedic antics of English Bulldogs.