A woman sleeping on her side on a sectional sleeper sofa

Sleeper Sofa Buying Guide

A sleeper sofa, also known as a sofa bed or pull-out sofa, is a versatile piece of furniture that can serve as both a comfortable seating option and a convenient extra bed for guests. Choosing the right sleeper sofa can be a significant investment, so it’s essential to consider various factors before purchasing. This buying guide will help you navigate the options and make an informed decision.

Last Updated: October 25, 2023

A blue sleeper sofa with a quen bed pulled out and made up with a navy comforter

1. Size and Space Considerations

A. Available Space

  1. Measure the available space in your room carefully to ensure that the sleeper sofa will fit comfortably when both in the sofa and bed positions.
  2. Consider the clearance space required for opening and closing the sofa bed mechanism, as well as any additional space needed for movement around the room.

B. Sofa Size

  1. Determine the size of the sofa you need based on the number of people who will be using it and the available space.
  2. Sleeper sofas come in various sizes, from twin to king, so choose one that suits your needs without overwhelming the room.

2. Sofa Bed Mechanism

A. Pull-Out vs. Convertible

  1. Pull-out sleeper sofas typically have a mattress that unfolds from inside the sofa frame. Convertible sleeper sofas transform by folding down the backrest or extending the seat cushions.
  2. Consider the ease of use and the available space when deciding between these mechanisms.

B. Mattress Type

  1. The mattress is a crucial factor in comfort. Look for options with high-quality, supportive mattresses.
  2. Common mattress types include innerspring, memory foam, and hybrid. Test them in-store, if possible, to determine your preference.
Click here to be taken to our mattress quiz which can help you find the right mattress for you!

C. Ease of Conversion

  1. Try operating the sofa bed mechanism in the store to assess how easily it converts from a sofa to a bed and vice versa.
  2. Some models may have complicated mechanisms, so choose one that you and your guests can operate comfortably.

3. Comfort and Support

A. Cushioning

  1. Pay attention to the sofa’s cushions. Firm cushions offer better support, while softer cushions provide a cozier feel.
  2. Consider how the cushions on the sofa feel when seated, and ensure the mattress provides adequate support when in bed mode.

B. Backrest and Armrests

  1. Check the height and design of the backrest and armrests to ensure they offer comfortable support when sitting.
  2. Some sleeper sofas have adjustable headrests or reclining features for added comfort.

4. Fabric and Style

A. Fabric Material

  1. Consider the durability and cleaning requirements of the fabric material. Options include leather, microfiber, linen, and more.
  2. Think about how the fabric complements your room’s décor and color scheme.
Stone colored loveseat with a twin sized pull out bed

B. Style and Design

  1. Choose a sleeper sofa that matches your personal style and the overall aesthetic of your home.
  2. Pay attention to details like leg style, upholstery tufting, and armrest design to find a sofa that suits your taste.

5. Maintenance and Cleaning

A. Cleaning Requirements

  1. Review the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and maintenance.
  2. Consider using fabric protectors or slipcovers to extend the life of your sleeper sofa and make cleaning easier.

6. Price and Budget

A. Set a Budget

  1. Determine your budget before shopping for a sleeper sofa, taking into account your specific requirements and preferences.
  2. Keep in mind that high-quality sleeper sofas with better features may cost more but can be a worthwhile investment.

7. Warranty and Customer Reviews

A. Warranty

  1. Check the manufacturer’s warranty to ensure you have coverage in case of defects or issues.
  2. Consider purchasing an extended warranty for added peace of mind.

B. Customer Reviews

  1. Read online customer reviews to gain insights into the comfort, durability, and overall satisfaction of other buyers with the same model.

8. Delivery and Assembly

A. Delivery Options

  1. Inquire about the delivery options and fees associated with your purchase.
  2. Ensure the sofa can fit through doorways and hallways in your home.

B. Assembly

  1. Determine whether the sofa requires assembly and whether the retailer provides assembly services.
  2. If you plan to assemble it yourself, make sure you have the necessary tools and follow the instructions carefully.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can select a sleeper sofa that not only fits your space but also meets your comfort and style preferences. Invest in a quality piece of furniture that will provide convenience and comfort for years to come. This article from the New York Times highlights ways to enhance your sleep on a sleeper sofa.

Need More Help?

You can contact one of Gardner White’s experts at (248) 481-2208, chat with one online, or visit one of our local Michigan stores.